Department of Modern Culture and Media

Production Facility

The MCM Production Facility is located at 135 Thayer Street in a thoroughly renovated old retail building, completed at the end of 2003.

135 Thayer Street exterior viewThis facility raises the profile of an important component of the Modern Culture and Media (MCM) program, namely the integration of a visual practice within the investigation of the theoretical discourses of the department. These practices have historically focused on film, video and sound production. This will now be furthered through the addition of faculty engaged with digital practices situated within new media and the virtual space of the internet.

The 135 Thayer Street building houses two production studios and their requisite equipment: film and video cameras, sound recording decks, light kits, etc.

Editing Suite Tools

  • Davinci Resolve
  • Adobe Production Suite (including Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop, Audition and Media Encoder)
  • Final Cut Pro 5
  • ProTools LE
  • DVD Studio Pro
  • Sound room with ProTools HD
  • Cine-transfer station
  • Screening/seminar room

Additional hardware in the editing space include broadcast color accurate monitors and editing control surfaces.

The building is locked so visitors and students enrolled in production courses will need to be granted access. Students enrolled in MCM production courses can access the editing suites 24/7, unless they have been reserved for a course or workshop. These facilities are supplemented by two other similarly equipped Multimedia Labs within the university.

Student Project & Performance Safety

Brown's Student Activities Office (SAO), in conjunction with EHS, TAPS and many student groups, assembled a system of safety oversight and a repository for technical and safety training resources to cover a wide range of student-led projects. To help everyone stay safe, this system follows projects - and advises the students who do them - from initial planning and design phases through to wrap and strike.

SAO Project & Performance Safety Program

Equipment Checkout

Location and Contact

135 Thayer Street, Room 103

Equipment Checkout Hours

Spring 2025

Check Out: Tuesdays & Fridays 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Check In/Return: Mondays & Thursdays 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Note: If you check out equipment on Tuesday, you must return it on Thursday; If you check out equipment on Friday, you must return it on Monday.

Production equipment needed for class assignments is made available through our student checkout system. Students borrow this equipment on a project by project basis. Production equipment is available to students currently enrolled in MCM production courses only. Students may check out equipment on an individual basis after they have been instructed in its proper use.

Checkout procedures will be explained in class. These procedures are designed to insure that each piece of equipment leaving the production lab is identified by name and number and is signed out to the borrowing student. When the equipment is returned it must be signed in. Students are responsible for equipment they borrow and will be held liable for equipment damage due to improper use or neglect.

Important Checkout Policies

  • Unscheduled late returns are not acceptable and will result in suspension of equipment access. However, a late return can be arranged through appointment at the time of pickup, or you can contact David Udris at 401-863-2134 or
  • Never leave equipment unattended or in an open car, even for a minute. There have been numerous incidents of theft from cars, both trunks and interiors.
  • Only students currently enrolled in MCM production courses and independent studies, or students working on their Honors Theses, are permitted to borrow equipment for course projects.